Tuesday, January 22, 2999

Sticky Post

Welcome To Coolmolecule Designs!
Hello, and welcome to my site =). This is a little space I have created on the web where I wish to share with everyone my passion for making things. I love to make things to give as gifts for people, and I noticed that there is a lack of 'gift quality' projects available in the net, so I decided to contribute to it. I'll mostly be collecting the special projects which I see around and feature them here! Also I'll put up some of my own works so that everyone will be able to see them. My speciality is making things out of recycled materials! Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Updates Log
23/1/07 - Added my 3 own projects into the my projects section & Added the site counter.

Saturday, January 23, 2990

Featured Projects

Welcome to the Featured Projects Section!

Surfing the net and reading books, I must say I have come across alot of good projects out there that I'd like to share with everyone =) I hope to get a collection here where people will come to discuss how to do these projects, and mabye, send their projects to me to feature? If your work is featured here and you would like it to be removed, please tell me yeah? =)

o Paint Chip Wallet
o Turn Plastic Bags into Yarn
o Secret Jar
o DIY Envelopes
o DIY Stationery Paper

My Projects

Welcome to My Projects Page!

Most of the projects here are made from recycled materials. I love using recycled materials because its a big challenge to see how one can really manipulate the materials to turn it to something useful. Hope you like my work!

o Potato Chip Bag Pencil Case
o Potato Chip Bag Wallet
o Recycled Trucker Hat